Comment by epolanski

Comment by epolanski 3 days ago

0 replies

> I just don't reply after hours.

I'm a freelancer/independent contractor.

Every time I start a new gig, I make sure to answer private messages few hours later, and never outside the 8AM/8PM timeframe or during weekends. Ever.

I also make it black on white on contracts that I don't do meetings before 9AM or later than 5PM.

I immediately set a habit for people that I might be AFK and that I never ever answer work-related stuff in the weekends.

As months go by I start answering when I see it/have time, rather than purposefully delaying and occasionally I answer a message or a chat in the weekends if I lurk on the channels. Hell, sometimes I even did some work on the weekends too if some deadlines are close (I am still bound to the success of my clients after all) and make up for it when rhythms are lower.

But in the beginning I make sure to always set a tone where I'm just not there online and ready to answer 24/7.

I did the opposite years ago. I would make it a habit for people for always being up and ready, so when I had to do something (from preparing lunch to bathroom breaks) people would instantly assume I was working less or cared less.

I don't do the mistake anymore. Professional? Always. Connected and ready all time? As little as possible.