Comment by 3l3ktr4

Comment by 3l3ktr4 3 days ago

3 replies

Curious to know what you're using under the hood for the python! I've download the repo and a quick search with "pyodide" didn't return anything.

KeplerBoy 3 days ago

Is python actually executed in the browser or is there a cpython process running on the backend?

  • dncornholio 3 days ago

    No, it needs a server to run. This can be a python process or nginx or anything that FastAPI supports, since this seems to be build on top of FastAPI

    • Sn3llius 3 days ago

      You nailed it.

      Built-in components do as much work as possible directly on the client. Any Python code however runs on the server. This makes it dead-simple to e.g. connect to your database and also gives you the full power of real CPython, not just a cut-down WASM/transpiled version.