Comment by fs0c13ty00

Comment by fs0c13ty00 3 days ago

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I like this, as the author of LRCGET (which is made with Tauri), I hate debugging something that works on Windows (Microsoft Edge WebView2) but doesn't work well or doesn't work at all on Linux (Webkit2gtk) or macOS.

One of the example is audio playback. Chromium and in turn Edge WebView2 have great support, but make it work in Webkit2gtk is a big pain in the *s. I then decided to switch the audio playback feature to Rust side (using Kira and Symphonia) instead.

Having Chromium bundled eliminates all the pain about inconsistency between webview engines, and using Rust means we don't have to pay for the NodeJS size in our app bundle (plus better performance).

For Tauri, I think something like Servo will fit well as bundled browser engine. Hopefully some day it will happen.