Comment by derbOac

Comment by derbOac 3 days ago

1 reply

Reframing it as curiosity is a good point, although the essay as written resonated with me because it emphasizes the "productive ignorance" of research.

One of the central problems of our time in research and academics, I think, is an incentive to focus on areas that are well-established because we know they are likely to produce results that we have confidence in (according to whatever inferential criteria we use). The idea of it being ok to not know something a priori, to have lack of confidence in it, seems sort of discouraged in the current climate, because it's too risky.

what-the-grump 3 days ago

Dancing around the elephant in the room, the problem is financial risk, e.g. this isn't really about research this is a business, and business must minimize risk to be profitable?