Comment by Cthulhu_

Comment by Cthulhu_ 3 days ago

1 reply

> - People waste inordinate amounts of time writing docs for things that could be discussed in 10 minutes

What about if someone wants to know what was discussed? You end up telling and retelling the same thing over and over again to get people in the loop, vs pointing to the doc and its remarks. (Depends on the subject of course)

dheera 2 days ago

Technical things (algorithms, locations of docker images, code, data, checkpoints, things that were tried but failed) should be documented.

Unfortunately most of the doc culture is people trying to convince each other within the same team that we need XYZ even when everyone with half a brain already knows it. Like "we need more GPUs to get shit done" should be a 10 minute call, not a PRFAQ.