Comment by codelikeawolf

Comment by codelikeawolf 3 days ago

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I have spent a great deal of time wading through the VS Code codebase and it takes OOP to the extreme. There are mile long inheritance chains, everything is a class, and it is a giant bowl of spaghetti. To some extent, I understand why they used that development approach. It doesn't use a UI framework, just DOM APIs, so classes make sense in lieu of components, but it's still bonkers.

> By the way, isn't OOP by far the most popular paradigm for building desktop UIs?

Yes, but I wish it wasn't. My day job is desktop development (with Electron), and I avoid OOP as much as I can and try to use a functional approach. After jumping all over the VS Code codebase to try to understand how some of this stuff works, and seeing how hard it is to navigate, I think heavy OOP is a bad idea.