Comment by jawbah

Comment by jawbah 3 days ago

1 reply

I really want to get into it, but 99% of opportunities seem to be in the US. Does biotech hire Canadian devs to work remotely?

Balgair 3 days ago

Most of it is in San Diego or Boston, really.

I'm not sure on remote devs, as honestly, biotech isn't really dev heavy (much to it's detriment). I'd look at the larger players in the space for jobs there, as they will likely be working in Canada too and may need help with local law compliance. If you're looking to switch things up, compliance is a very boring but deadly necessary sector of biotech that always needs people. I'll forewarn that the pay is less, though the stability is greater too (but not by all that much).

This may be a good site to keep your finger on the pulse of the industry and to find companies looking for talent.

At the end of the day, you are going to take less salary for a greater sense of mission and purpose. It's not as bad as teaching and nursing, but you're on that slide ruler now. Negotiate hard on starting salary.