Comment by achenet

Comment by achenet 3 days ago

1 reply

er... you're not really following the logic of the parent comment.

Parent comment asked, should people who can't work from home be paid more?

Which seems like a specific case of the more general "we should pay people more if their jobs are more difficult", so your examples would more accurately be expressed as

"should we pay sewage workers more because they deal with feces" and "should we pay commercial divers more because they are submerged in freezing water for hours each day"

newsclues 2 days ago

Is it so hard to understand the frustration of people who can't work from home, when the work from home people celebrate the joys of WFH including 2 hours not spent commuting (I used to sit on a bus 1.5 hours each way to work in retail).

If all the WFH people got this sudden improvement to their lives, what will society do to help out the people that can't? Is fairness and equality not important when it comes to the working class?

The disrespect to the lower classes from this community is unreal.