Comment by Insanity

Comment by Insanity 3 days ago

5 replies

The office makes it convenient to hang out with people who aren’t friends and unlikely to become so.

In my 10+ years working in offices, I made exactly one friend (someone who I see outside of work).

I would rather not commute and spend that time with actual friends, more quality social interaction over quantity.

(YMMV of course)

ljm 3 days ago

I’d just find it easier to make plans when I’m already in the city, rather than wrapping up and travelling into the city and arriving a bit later as a result.

One of those things where I’m happy to hang out with a friend for an hour so if I’m already out, but travelling there only to return after an hour is less attractive.

pokerface_86 3 days ago

that’s generally what happens when you / the people you work with are socially awkward autismos. i hang out with several colleagues outside of work multiple times a week, and consider them friends

anthonypasq 3 days ago


  • dspillett 3 days ago

    No, it is quite common.

    I'm very much a prefer-to-work-in-the-office-with-the-people-I'm-working-with person, but I've not made many long-lasting friends in my 24 years in the workplace since leaving full time education. Many short-term friends, yes, but not long-term, compared to the balance of people I've met in “hobby time” & similar.

  • Insanity 3 days ago

    I don’t think it is a problem at all though - I don’t look for friends at work. I have an active social life _outside_ of work with people whom I choose to spend time with.