082349872349872 2 days ago

It does seem to be already moving in that direction, yet there are still some discrepancies:

(a) living in a highly developed country (and having grown up in one almost as developed), according to this theory I ought to be going full Eloi and mechanical Turk'ing out (AI as "actually, indians"?) all the schlep work in my life to telepresent Morlocks, yet the little of my washing which I do send out goes (to the best of my knowledge) mostly to the historically-developed world.

(b) also to the best of my knowledge, current proto-Morlocks very rarely (or even never) eat current proto-Eloi.

gradschoolfail 3 days ago

Designers* will know all about how it is all supposed to work

*personally prefer the term “designists”, but YMMV on that one