Comment by naikrovek

Comment by naikrovek 3 days ago

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ah-hah, but have you considered the executive's perspective on this? that perspective is "no."

the only reason executives really dislike remote work, is because as "face people" they have never had a place for it. It doesn't benefit them in any way, so how could it possibly benefit anyone else? they have never had a position like yours. they both deeply understand that no one is like them, and bizarrely believe that everyone works like they do and benefits from working in the office.

I have worked closely with executives throughout my career and the only common thread between them all is the intense hatred for telecommuting. I have never met an executive which understands it well enough to understand its place in their work environment. These same executives frequently called me after hours asking for work to be done immediately; work that could only be done in the office because that's where all of my digital tools were located and where the network connectivity was, etc. Zero recognition that one of those things could solve the other.

Well, it's that, or they just want to be dicks and give out orders. That could be it, too.

It's probably 50% of each. "executives get benefits, plebes do not."