Comment by codingdave

Comment by codingdave 3 days ago

1 reply

Health care cannot be described as "very good" while it is not accessible to all. While we have a few excellent clinics available to either the wealthy or the people local to those clinics, there are other people get little health care at all. Our life expectancies are lower than other developed nations, while our infant mortality is higher. We have new drugs coming out that could save lives, but are being bought up by wealthy people instead of going to low-income people who actually need it. We have skilled doctors too burdened by the system to operate at their best. We have people flinging disinformation about health which results in incorrect beliefs and societal conflict. We are a freaking dumpster fire when it comes to health care.

And the insurance industry collects money through it all.

So yes, it is political and money-driven. But it is not about jobs. And it is not "very good."

eadmund 3 days ago

> Health care cannot be described as "very good" while it is not accessible to all.

It may not be universally very good, but it can certainly be very good in particular instances.

One can also compare health care systems by quantiles or medians.

Yes, we have lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality than other nations, but we also have an underclass which may larger, more violent and poorer than those in other countries (I write ‘may be’ because I do not know for a fact). That’s definitely a huge problem which should be addressed, but it isn’t a health care problem despite its effect on health.