Comment by HarHarVeryFunny

Comment by HarHarVeryFunny 3 days ago

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I was really saying two things:

1) The theoretical notion that a fixed depth transformer + COT can solve arbitrary problems involving sequential computation is rather like similar theoretical notions of a Turing machine as universal computer, or of an ANN with a hidden layer able to represent arbitrary functions .. it may be true, but at the same time not useful

2) The Turing machine, just as the LLM+COT, is only as useful as the program it is running. If the LLM-COT is incapable of runtime learning and just trying to mimic some reasoning heuristics, then that is going to limit it's function, even if theoretically such an "architecture" could do more if only it were running a universal AGI program

Using RL to encourage the LLM to predict continuations according to some set of reasoning heuristics is what it is. It's not going to make the model follow any specific reasoning logic, but is presumably hoped to generate a variety of continuations that the COT "search" will be able to utilize to arrive at a better response than it otherwise would have done. More of an incremental improvement (as reflected in the benchmark scores it achieves) than "converging to the right program".