Comment by cebert

Comment by cebert 3 days ago

1 reply

Nothing prevents them from making meetings to connect with / meet their peers. When you work remotely, you need to change your habits a bit. You have the same type of interactions, it just takes some initiative.

lazide 2 days ago

Sure, but sitting next to someone and being able to ask them questions is easy, quick, and natural. And often helps build relationships.

As is sitting in an area and seeing who everyone goes to ask questions, and even overhearing the discussions.

So someone can learn how to phrase questions, what are useful types of questions to ask, what types of questions get someone told to ‘do their own research’ vs gets in-depth help, etc.

For a junior, that is very valuable because they often literally don’t even know where to start.

For someone with more experience, they often either already know all these things, or know how to find them out pretty quickly even without the help of watching what is happening, yeah?