Comment by adamtaylor_13

Comment by adamtaylor_13 3 days ago

4 replies

> No more unpaid overtime. The right to ignore work messages outside of business hours. No more noncompetes

This so radically clashes with my experience it makes me wonder if I've had a crazy lucky career or if people have a hard time setting boundaries.

At all the companies I've worked for, I've never once felt like I was obligated to answer a message outside of work hours. Also non-competes are more or less completely unenforceable. And finally... working overtime when you're remote is YOUR choice.

Now all of this is omitting visas. I've never had to deal with that and likely never will. But for US citizens working in tech I don't see how a union helps you at all.

matrix87 2 days ago

> working overtime when you're remote is YOUR choice.

I'm not sure of what part of industry you're coming from. For me, it's backend web services + data pipelines for a large corporation

Often overtime work is expected. Deployments always happen late in the evening because of there's a diurnal traffic pattern. Oncall is unavoidable and the expectation they have is that regardless of when you get paged, you have to wake up and respond to it

calculatte 3 days ago

I know personally companies that laid off a major percentage (50% in one case) of their software engineers to replace them with cheaper foreign and visa workers. I don't know if you've tried to find a job recently, but it's as bad as it's ever been regardless of level of experience.

Don't think US citizens are sitting in luxury. Your company will fire you and replace you with cheaper replacements in an instant.

  • matrix87 2 days ago

    I wonder if they regularly do this and then re-create the same jobs just to keep people in fear

    or else, at this point there would be no domestic jobs period

  • adamtaylor_13 3 days ago

    I quit my job to start my own company. We are immediately profitable and already on trajectory to double my previous income (which was high $1xx,000).

    You can replace code monkeys, but you can’t replace people who can use code to solve real business problems on time and under budget.