Comment by varispeed

Comment by varispeed 3 days ago

1 reply

I often develop feelings for the products I use (I know...). When I look at dishwasher I reminisce how many moments I had whilst standing next to it tirelessly working through my dirty dishes. I'll give it a tap. Sometimes I talk to it when loading like "Hey there, I got you some new stuff. Don't worry I'll feed you salt at the end of the week. Now I'll do your favourite program". Then once it finishes I say like "Oh what a great work you did there!" and so on. Then when it broke (the motor seized) I just wouldn't have heart to simply dispose of it. I sourced the motor and called in repair guy who installed it. It did cost me in total as much as I would pay for a new dishwasher, but I would never get the sense of feeling that I saved a friend.

hyperdimension a day ago

I am so glad that I'm not the only one. Every time I shut the hood of a car after working on it, I give it a little loving pat-pat.

I have this inexplicable feeling, contrary to my usually rational self, that machines have a sort of soul and "feel better" when they're taken care of, and I feel like I'm letting it down when I extend an oil change/put off maintenance/don't take care of a problem I'm aware of yet. I don't really believe they have souls or anything; it's just a feeling I get.

Come to think of it, I do the exact same things with my plants too.

I can't explain it. I don't name my cars though.