Comment by huhtenberg

Comment by huhtenberg 3 days ago

2 replies

> you can have apnea without snoring (sometimes the other way but not as common)

Got a source for the "not as common" part?

From my personal anecdotal experience snoring without apnea is excessively common. Most of people whom I had a pleasure hearing snore would just go on in a steady rhythm and that's it.

MagicMoonlight 3 days ago

How do you know they don’t have sleep apnea? You’re making the assumption that the snoring people are healthy, whereas the logical assumption would be that something is making them snore. Given that snoring is caused by an obstruction to their airway, it’s reasonable to assume that obstruction will impact their breathing.

  • huhtenberg 3 days ago

    Because they are breathing in a sustained steady rhythm.

    Apnea, by definition, is not breathing, so if they are snoring and breathing, they aren't likely to have apnea, are they?

    > You’re making the assumption that the snoring people are healthy

    I am not making this assumption.