Comment by aubanel

Comment by aubanel 3 days ago

1 reply

In the collection of Rilke's letters "Briefe an einem jungen Dichter", he writes what I think one of the best advice about writing a book or not:

"This above all: Ask yourself, in your night’s quietest moment, Do I have to write? Dig deep down into yourself for the answer. And if it is yes, if you can meet this solemn question with a strong and simple “I must,” then build your life around that necessity."

It's harsh, but I think the necessity aspect is important: if you feel like a spring from which the urge of writing naturally flows and you could not repress it, then write. Else, don't.

passion__desire 3 days ago

There is modern version of Charles Dickens' way of publishing a chapter each week in the newspaper. Artists on tiktok and instagram and youtube shorts are developing characters with backstories and so on.


Nowadays, you don't have to write the boring parts, just write the interesting bits.