Comment by grecy

Comment by grecy 3 days ago

3 replies

I’ve self published three books now, with another in the works. Amazon print on demand makes it incredibly easy. They’re about my adventures around the world, with some lessons I learned and observations about whatever part of the world I’m in sprinkled throughout.

The process was immensely satisfying, and I’ll never forget the feeling the first time I held the printed book in my hands. “Holy shit, I wrote a book!” My name was on the spine and everything.

I write them in LaTeX to have ultimate control over the layout and formatting, then run it through Pandoc to get a compliant epub file. Details here [1].

I have them for sale on Amazon printed and book, and kobo and apple as ebooks. I’ll never get rich, but ~$500 a month forever is really nice when I’m on the road in a foreign country where costs are not high.

If you have the desire, I highly recommend it. The learning and immense satisfaction are great. It doesn’t cost a cent, and you will have it forever.


_tom_ 3 days ago

I don't see a date the article. The web has taught me to never waste time with an undated article. Odds are very good it's obsolete.

  • grecy 3 days ago

    Huh, I never noticed the wp theme I’m using doesn’t put a date on “pages” , only “posts”.

    I wrote that in 2020, and I’m doing the identical thing right now for my next book. Not out of date at all.

  • [removed] 3 days ago