Comment by holowoodman

Comment by holowoodman 3 days ago

1 reply

Your own link downplays the radiation level to "basically harmless" and attributes the problems to a psychosomatic response.

Which I personally would doubt. Such a determination could only be made by on-site measurements. By now, radiation should be highly localized in certain areas and soil formations through rain wash-off and intentional burying of contaminated surfaces. So while a lot of places might be harmless, there should be some that are definitely not.

Whats more, the red forest due to proximity and wind conditions, got the major part of the heavier isotopes. The combination of those can be extra-nasty due to their gamma energy, bioavailability and half-life when compared to the lighter stuff that spread out over Europe.

trhway 3 days ago

>Your own link downplays the radiation level to "basically harmless" and attributes the problems to a psychosomatic response.

Yes, my link contains facts - the images - and statements by the "experts" who somehow didn't provide any numbers to support their opinion. I posted it for the facts while naturally expecting that people here would be able to separate chuff from the real stuff just like you did.

Wrt. "psychosomatic response" - that takes the crown. Whatever "expert" conjured it, s/he never seen Russian army where basic everyday soldier existence is one continuous "psychosomatic response".