Comment by jstanley

Comment by jstanley 3 days ago

3 replies

Doesn't the latter imply the former?

If it's possible to find an LLM for any given problem, then find an LLM for the problem "find an LLM for the problem and then evaluate it" and then evaluate it, and then you have an LLM that can solve any problem.

It's the "Universal Turing Machine" for LLMs.

I wonder what's the LLM equivalent of the halting problem?

progval 3 days ago

> It's the "Universal Turing Machine" for LLMs.

A closer analogy is the Hutter Search (, as it is also an algorithm that can solve any problem. And it is probably too inefficient to use in practice, like the Hutter Search.

detourdog 3 days ago

In the late ‘80s they were called expert systems.

Most demonstrations were regarding troubleshooting large systems, industrial processes, and education.