redserk 3 days ago

Name 1 major employment shift that rolled out to everyone, across all industries, across all modes of work, across all tiers of employees, and across all geographic areas regardless of socioeconomic status — simultaneously.

We couldn’t even do it during a global pandemic, deeming all sorts of people “essential” without meaningful compensation.

Your assertion is not based in any feasible reality, at least in America.

  • lcnPylGDnU4H9OF 3 days ago

    The tone of this comment makes it sounds like the poster thinks the parent poster should have refrained from posting their comment. As if the point is invalid because of these facts. But how could one get that to change unless they suggest alternatives?

jebronie 3 days ago

"we must make life hard for everyone, so no one benefits" "market dynamics don't exist, a counsel must decide on all wages"