Comment by Razengan

Comment by Razengan 3 days ago

3 replies

I appreciate the intent, but.. Do you suppose time is free? and renewable?

Time that could be spent doing other things instead of learning how to repair, buying the tools, and repairing something that you could just hire someone else to repair, or buy anew?

As for environmental waste, figure out ways to make stuff out of more easily degradable stuff, or to reuse it, instead of _guilting_ people into repair.

pjc50 3 days ago

To repurpose a sentence from somewhere else, repair is only free if your time is worthless.

(Imagine trying to contract someone to do the OP's level of thorough work; it would be a five-figure dollar sum)

blitzar 3 days ago

A robust economy for parts and repairs would be ideal. Parts are (reasonably) obtainable, however, professional or even decent repair is about as reliable as a used car salesman.