Comment by jamalaramala

Comment by jamalaramala 3 days ago

10 replies

Another point to consider: the environmental impact of having hundreds of thousands of people commuting to work every day.

Transport is the second most important source of greenhouse gas emissions, after electricity and heat.

I'm not sure if large office spaces are more energy efficient than home offices.

isoprophlex 3 days ago

Any improvement in heating/cooling efficiency will be greatly nullified by the environmental effects of commuting

  • mattmaroon 3 days ago

    And the fact that their homes are still being heated and cooled while they’re in the office too

detectivestory 3 days ago

and the job market is likely to be flooded with even more people looking for fully remote jobs over the coming months. Should be good for some companies looking to hire remotely, but it will be tough time for job-seekers.

horns4lyfe 3 days ago

And I’m sure those same execs love to carp on about ask the sacrifices everyone else needs to make to stop climate change.

squigglydonut 3 days ago

Yea it would be more efficient to have "living pods" essentially little chambers where the employee can sleep in after a long 16 hour day a work. The personal home emits too much energy and waste. It would be better for the employee to just go into the pod, plug in their nutritional tube, and watch netflix for a few hours before falling into an induced asleep at the mandated time as set by their work schedule.

  • consteval 3 days ago

    Person one: hey driving is bad for the environment, why don't we drive less? Besides, wouldn't everyone enjoy that?

    Person two: this is slavery and you're a commie. I want muh freedom to be forced to drive 2 hours a day!

    Are you seeing how this isn't a reasonable response? Like, at all?

    • squigglydonut 3 days ago

      This does not make sense. Who are you talking to and what is your point?

downrightmike 3 days ago

We saw that taking all those cars off the road could really accelerate our climate goals.