Comment by v3ss0n

Comment by v3ss0n 3 days ago

9 replies

Those projects in general have Alot of problem, AND this is a wrapper on top of them.

>Wry also needs WebKitGTK for WebView.

WebKit have a lot more security problems and compatibility issues and are not as updated as chromium based, electron.

There's nothing wrong about chromium based engines like electron. They are just a little bigger for download a little slow to start but that's it. If your code is well developed they are fast and snappy. Discord is one good example also vscode

jemmyw 3 days ago

WebKitGTK has some really bad performance issues. I've written an app using Tauri and it works very well on Mac and Windows, and it does nothing particularly intensive. On Linux the performance is awful. The Tauri devs acknowledge this and seem to have plans to move off it, but moving to another solution (basically packaging chrome like electron does) is obviously a lot of work.

  • v3ss0n 3 days ago

    I used WebKit in both gtk and qt . QT team did good job by building qtwebengine that update regularly outside of toolkit release process.

Deukhoofd 3 days ago

Yeah, I tried Tauri for a bit, and this was the primary issue I quickly found as well. Generally you use these kinds of tools to be able to easily do cross-platform UI. With Tauri every single OS you target will use a different underlying web browser engine, which means you'll still be running into many platform specific issues.

Especially webkitGTK is just a drama, it's barely able to do layout for basic tables in a performant manner.

In my experience in the current implementation Tauri is not ready for production. I've seen some preliminary work by the Tauri devs to investigate if they could use some standardized webview engine, but that's still very far away.

  • v3ss0n 3 days ago

    Only way to compete electron is by building a webtech compatible UI engine that is lighter weight, more secure, higher performance, and renders well.

    That is big engineering task and not something a small group of devs can do.

    Only thing that could comes close is building electron and chromium compatible api on top of Zed team's UI engine.

    • abhinavk 3 days ago

      Zed team also being the creators of Electron should have been the best people for this. They themselves opted to write a new immediate mode UI library.

      • v3ss0n 3 days ago

        Yeah,atom too back in atom, they tried really hard to improve speed of atom by rendering in GPU as texture but before that properly implemented MS took over.

timeon 3 days ago

> Discord is one good example also vscode

Discord constantly downloads huge updates and vscode uses too much memory (not counting LSP) for text editor.

  • v3ss0n 3 days ago

    Well as a user I appreciate a software that make improvements all the time. Discord add good features, why should I complain about a lot of updates?

    VSCode use as much memory as you add extensions. I agree it uses up memory but Jetbrain and Fleet performance is also as bad if not worse then vscode and they use alot more mem.

    If u want vscode as just text editor Just disable all the included default extensions.