Comment by flanked-evergl

Comment by flanked-evergl 3 days ago

10 replies

Unions seems to make sense but if you see how greedy they are, striking in the best economy in the world and in the history of the world — where people's economic situation is better than anyone else on the planet ever was in history — then you have to wonder if there is not something wrong there. I think I would consider them if they could be less greedy.

I would really like to see some anti price gouging legislation in the US that take these greedy unions to task.

tapland 3 days ago

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Now Boss makes 10 dollars, on HN that’s fine.

  • flanked-evergl 3 days ago

    Personally, I think we should abolish the professional management class.

    • toomuchtodo 3 days ago

      So you think unions are greedy, but want to abolish the professional management class...with nothing? Have you considered that, without some sort of organization, you are powerless and have no ability to effect change?

      Also, have you considered that unions aren't greedy, but simply negotiating a fair value for their labor, and your mental model reacts negatively for some reason due?

      • flanked-evergl 2 days ago

        I don't think they can objectively measure the fair value for their labour. I think I trust the Biden administration way more on this, and they have made it clear that the economic situation of every single American is better today than it has ever been in the past for any country in the world. That to me seems significantly more objective.

jjk166 2 days ago

> striking in the best economy in the world and in the history of the world

The children working in gilded age coal mines were working in the best economy in the world and in the history of the world up to that point.

  • flanked-evergl a day ago

    Good point, I think we need more unions for child labourers, we need to stop child labour in Asia, Africa and South America. If you start that union I will be the first to sign up, I will gladly not go to work for that cause.

    • jjk166 a day ago

      I think you've missed the point entirely.

consteval 3 days ago

Yes it's the unions that are greedy, not anyone else.

ctoth 3 days ago

> striking in the best economy in the world and in the history of the world

Isn't this the best time to do it? It seems like if workers did the opposite you'd be complaining that they were striking when conditions were bad and hurting the company!