Comment by mg

Comment by mg 3 days ago

5 replies

Has it been publicly benchmarked yet, if this approach:

    Hello LLM, please solve this task: <task>
Can be improved by performing this afterwards?

    for iteration in range(10):
        Hello LLM, please solve this task: <task>
        Here is a possible solution: <last_reply>
        Please look at it and see if you can improve it.
        Then tell me your improved solution.
lorepieri 2 days ago

Not sure if it has been benchmarked, but I've called this technique the "for-loop of thought". :)

Kiro 3 days ago

Isn't that the whole reason that o1 works?

  • ben_w 3 days ago

    I think o1 is more like "pretend you're doing a job interview, think step and show your working".

    I tried something similar to the suggested iterative loop on a blog post I'd authored but wanted help copy editing; first few were good enough, but then it got very confused and decided the blog post wasn't actually a blog post to be edited and instead that what I really wanted to know was the implications of Florida something something Republican Party.

    Benchmark would be neat, because all I have is an anecdote.