Comment by tsimionescu

Comment by tsimionescu 3 days ago

20 replies

It means that there are two problems: one, to formalize the problem as stated while capturing all relevant details, and two, solving the resulting formal problem. Until you solve problem one, you can't use formal methods to say anything about the problem (it's not even clear a priori that a problem is even solvable).

Unfortunately, the task of a formalizing an informal problem is itself an informal problem that we don't know how to formalize, so we can't say much about it. So overall, we can't say much about how hard the general problem "given a problem statement from a human, solve that problem" is, whether any particular system (including a human!) can solve it and how long that might take with what resources.

viraptor 3 days ago

> task of a formalizing an informal problem is itself an informal problem

I couldn't find details about this - do you know of a paper or some resource which digs into that idea?

  • tsimionescu 3 days ago

    No, but it's pretty obvious, isn't it? If you have an informal problem statement, say "I want this button to be bigger", formalizing it can't be a formal process.

    • naasking 3 days ago

      > "I want this button to be bigger", formalizing it can't be a formal process.

          while (!is_button_big_enough()) {
      This is one trivial way to do it, and seems like it would be formalizable. is_button_big_enough is simply an input to whatever process is responsible for judging such a thing, whether that be a design specification or perhaps input from a person.
      • tsimionescu 3 days ago

        You've translated my informal problem statement into a quasi-formal process, using your inherent natural language processing skills, and your knowledge of general human concepts like size. But you haven't explained the formal process you followed to go from my problem statement to this pseudocode.

        And your pseudocode template only works for one particular kind of informal problem statement. If I instead have the problem "how much money do I need to buy this house and this chair?", or "does this byte fit in my mouth?", your general form will not work.

        And what's more, you haven't actually produced a formally solvable problem definition, that we could analyze for complexity and computability, because you rely on two completely unspecified functions. Where is the formal defintion of a button? Is it a physical push button or a UI control or a clothing button? What does it mean that it is bigger or smaller? When do we know it's big enough, is that computable? And how do we scale it up? Do we increase its volume? Its surface area? One of its sides? Or maybe the radius? And how do we go about doing that? All of these, and many more, need to be explicitly defined in order to apply any kind of formal analysis to this problem. And there is no formal way to do so in a way that matches the intent of whoever posed the problem.

      • freejazz 3 days ago

        What is the repeatable method by which you came to that conclusion? That is what needs to be formalized for your response to make sense.

    • viraptor 3 days ago

      It's... "knee-jerk obvious". But is it actually true? People seem to be interested in the concept in formal logic arguments for example (which uses formal process for part of formalization), so maybe it's not as simple as it seems initially. I mean, if we're already talking about formal problems, it could use a stronger proof ;)

      • tsimionescu 3 days ago

        At best, this is a formal process for manipulating certain kinds of statements. But the general problem, "take a human's statement of a problem and translate it into a formal statement of a problem that, if solved, will address what the human was asking for" is far harder and more nebulous. Ultimately, it's exactly the problem that LLMs have been invented for, so it has been studied in that sense (and there is a broad literature in AI for NLP, algorithm finding, expert systems, etc). But no one would claim that they are even close to having a formal specification of this problem that they could analyze the complexity of.

    • moi2388 3 days ago

      Why not? Bigger is a measure of size and ought to be easy enough to formalise.

      Apply a transformation to B which increases its area and leaves the proportion of its sides equal.

      Why would this statement not be formalisable?

      • tsimionescu 3 days ago

        I'm not saying that the statement "I want this button to be bigger" can't be formalized. I'm saying that there is no formal process you can follow to get from this problem to a formal problem that is equivalent. There isn't even a formal process you can use to check if a formal definition is equivalent to this problem.

        Consider that if someone asked you solve this problem for them with just this statement, either of the following could be a sketch of a more formal statement of what they actually want:

        1. In a given web page, the css class used for a particular <button> element should be changed to make the button's height larger by 10%, without changing any other <button> element on the page, or any other dimension.

        2. For a particular piece of garment that you are given, the top most button must be replaced with a different button that appears to have the same color and finish to a human eye, and that has the same 3D shape up to human observational precision, but that has a radius large enough to not slip through the opposing hole under certain forces that are commonly encountered, but not so large that it doesn't fit in the hole when pushed with certain forces that are comfortable for humans.

        I think you would agree that (a) someone who intended you to solve either of these problems might reasonably describe them with the statement I suggested, and (b), that it would be very hard to devise a formal mathematical process to go from that statement to exactly one of these statements.

      • Zhyl 3 days ago

        But here's the thing, it's not that the statement isn't formalisable, it's the method that you used to formalise it isn't formalisable.

      • qwertytyyuu 3 days ago

        Yeah you could make it one pixel bigger but if someone asked you that, is that what they actually want?

  • esjeon 3 days ago

    Ah, you are informally inquiring about a formal description concerning the informal nature of formalization of informal questions.

    Joke aside, this is about the nature of the formalization process itself. If the process of formalizing informal problems were fully formalized, it would be possible to algorithmically compute the solution and even optimize it mathematically. However, since this is obviously impossible (e.g. vague human language), it suggests that the formalization process can't be fully formalized.