Comment by nunobrito

Comment by nunobrito 3 days ago

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Plus points if keeping the tool free for home/OSS users and then charge for corporate or on-premise deployments.

One critical question to the users:

Is Void able to understand the source code files from the project as a whole?

What I mean is being able to read the project, and then make suggestions based on the code that was written and propose new functions? For example, I would see it as fantastic to write unit tests where I'd say: "Please write a unit test that is verifying the functions on ABC.class" or "update the unit tests for ABC.class".

I know it is difficult for an LLM to create a valid result on the first try, but at least it does same me a lot of time creating a skeleton with most of the functions and samples already there. Most times just have to fine tune or fix a few parts but can say it amplifies my output speed by at least 10x to have that kind of functionality.

What is your impression? Can it read all source code files on the project?