Comment by shahzaibmushtaq

Comment by shahzaibmushtaq 3 days ago

7 replies

I never wrote a book.

But we all live in the age of e-books and self-published books, so the money involved may be limited to 2-3 digits at most all you need is a strong online presence to be successful.

Moreover, finding an audience is also not as difficult as it used to be in the past if you have a large active following base such as has self-published his book ( and he outperformed (sold 25000+ copies at 100% profit) many good writers, agents and publishers marketing channels.

hk__2 3 days ago

> Moreover, finding an audience is also not as difficult as it used to be in the past if you have a large active following base

Well, "if you have a large active following base" is the key here. If you don’t, it’s almost impossible to find an audience.

  • probably_wrong 3 days ago

    Finding an audience is not as difficult as it used to be in the past if you have an audience.

  • shahzaibmushtaq 3 days ago

    > it’s almost impossible to find an audience

    Follow the path of those who have written many successful books, and you'll find that it's not almost impossible to find an audience e.g., William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde et al.

    • hk__2 3 days ago

      > Follow the path of those who have written many successful books, and you'll find that it's not almost impossible to find an audience e.g., William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde et al.

      You’re contradicting yourself: if it were so easy, you wouldn’t cite only five names that span five centuries. It’s like saying music is easy, just do like Mozart or Beethoven.

      There are 3 million books published each year in the US. That’s more than 8k per day. See:

      • shahzaibmushtaq 2 days ago

        Oh, I am contradicting myself.

        First, I said try to build a strong online presence so that you have a large active following base from which you'll find an audience for your book. You try to hide behind "large active following base" is the key here, and it's almost impossible to find an audience otherwise.

        Then, I said follow the path of great writers, you again hide behind "I only mentioned five names, and they all span across five centuries which I can't study or research how they became great writers". Should I write here the names of every great writer in history or the names of Mark Manson, James Clear, Tim Ferriss et al. of this era.

        You brought up your music analogy (I don't know where you found it) and who said anything about what is easy? You said, I didn't use that word anywhere in our conversation.

        I presented two keys to find an audience, and you came up with a third key by saying I'm contradicting myself.

        If 3 million books are published in the US every year (over 8k per day), what does that have anything to do with me or you? Next time, please first digest what others are trying to convey, then respond (if necessary).