Comment by jonathanyc

Comment by jonathanyc 3 days ago

4 replies

Not OP, but I personally put off using a UI for years before finally trying a few and eventually settling on Postico for Mac. I still jump to psql often, but for me it's an accumulation of small quality-of-life improvements:

- results are formatted nicely by default; no more doing a first query, getting too many columns so results wrap unreadably, then changing the columns for a second query, and so on

- manually editing rows is as easy as with a spreadsheet; of course hopefully you don't have to do this often...

- I can change common filters & sorts in the UI with a few clicks instead of having to change SQL; sure, the SQL would only require typing a few characters, but if it's 2 clicks vs. 8 characters, it's still a small win

Downsides are:

- the GUI has an interface for saving queries, but it refuses to let me save them to a subfolder of my project; it wants to save them all in some global location. This doesn't seem good for sharing queries

- if you are doing more complicated sorting or aggregation, it's still easier to just go to psql than to fiddle with the GUI

wazoox 3 days ago

For results formatting, line selection, etc simply installing pspg as your psql pager helps a lot.

  • achristmascarl 3 days ago

    oh wow, if i had known about pspg beforehand i might not have made this, it looks great!

codesnik 3 days ago

would symlinks in that global location help, maybe?

  • jonathanyc 3 days ago

    It’s a good idea! For some reason Postico’s built-in query viewer doesn’t seem to follow them, unfortunately.