Comment by d--b

Comment by d--b 3 days ago

2 replies

Great read and you could totally translate it to “Why to Not Write an App” almost verbatim. The following passage is I think the most interesting:

> Now of course, there is a second kind of author: authors who write books with little discernible impact on their newsletter or blog. They sit down for an hour (statistically, in the morning), pound out their quota, and turn to the next task. The book does not weigh on their minds, and they are confident that they will have it out, as usual, in 12 months. More power to them—but I also think that most would-be book authors already know if they are one of that latter kind of writers, or if they are the former kind I’ve been discussing.

achenet 3 days ago

I actually wrote a novella over the summer, using the "just write a bit every day and then go live your life method".

It works quite well ^^

  • ghaff 3 days ago

    The 1 to 2 hours most days works for a lot of things. I was saying to a friend I've gotten so little done since semi-retiring a few months ago so I wrote out a list and they're "You've gotten a ton of stuff done!"