Comment by ac130kz

Comment by ac130kz 3 days ago

4 replies

Good job at creating more competition, but sorry for being a little bit rude, most software forks die out, try to convince me using this instead of Continue + Claude-dev, which are open source extensions for the vanilla VSCode (or VSCodium).

>Microsoft also made its extension marketplace closed-source

Ehm, Open VSX Registry exists.

replete 3 days ago

Are you using a local model with Continue?

  • ac130kz 3 days ago

    I've tried running 3B LLAMA on my old machine and it was sluggish and kinda bad, but Claude 3.5 Sonnet works great. I will try the 70B model, should be good enough.

    • replete a day ago

      I didn't have much success with ollama either. You really need a great accelerator for it to be useful enough. Codestral however is working out great so thanks for the tip.

    • dartos 3 days ago

      Yeah, I’ve found local models are completely useless for coding tasks whereas openai and Claude can at least do some refactors with guidance