Comment by mxkopy

Comment by mxkopy 3 days ago

2 replies

From the CEO’s memo:

“(you need to be joined at the hip with your teammates when inventing and solving hard problems)”

Somewhat telling that he’d use a congenital disorder as a metaphor for how work should be done at Amazon

mjlee 3 days ago

I'm not defending the CEO's memo but "joined at the hip" is a very common idiom and in normal (and this) usage has no connotation with conjoined twins. Attack the opinion all you like, but this isn't productive.

  • pc86 3 days ago

    It's a cute joke about an unintended interpretation of what the CEO said.

    Let's be real, not a single HN comment (and there's nearly 1500 here as I'm writing this one) is going to be "productive" is this discussion, especially with regard to Amazon. The biggest impact is some comment here may convince someone on the fence to quit when they might have waited a few months without it. And this joke isn't going to change that.