Comment by jolmg

Comment by jolmg 3 days ago

5 replies

> You have, in some countries, the legal right "to request" work from home under laws typically aimed at flexible working. But that's it.

I would think, generally speaking, you have the right to request anything of anyone anywhere. Do those laws do anything?

chippiewill 3 days ago

I believe some of these flexible working request laws mean that companies must consider whether it's reasonable (for the business) and allow it if it's reasonable.

It's fairly toothless in most jurisdictions since businesses can just say it's unreasonable and not elaborate.

Vinnl 3 days ago

They force the employer to give a reason, and that reason has to be "reasonable", i.e. can be fought in courts if it's "that's just how we do it here".

JW_00000 3 days ago

The idea behind those laws is you cannot be fired for asking this.

627467 3 days ago

Probably forcing the creation of a paper trail for possible future litigation

lazide 3 days ago

Most cases do have some notable restrictions on that.

For instance, requesting sex in exchange for money is illegal in most places.

Requesting someone commit a crime on your behalf in exchange for money or other compensation as well (conspiracy, usually).

Several other examples too - requesting someone fix their prices, agree to not compete with you in exchange for the same, etc.