Comment by j0e1

Comment by j0e1 3 days ago

7 replies

As someone who has recently tried to refactor our app atop of VSCode (treating it like a platform), we got burned by the UI design decisions that are not straightforward to overcome, let alone maintain. The closed-source MS marketplace did not help either towards our OSS goals.

However, I found Theia ( on HN (like a bunch of other cool things; this is one way I justify the time I spend/sink on this site) and find it a much better fit for our OSS goals (foundation owned, open-source marketplace) with full mod-ability while being compatible to VSCode extensions API (in theory). I recommend you look into it for your app.

tristan957 3 days ago

You can publish your extensions on OpenVSX fyi. A lot of projects have started doing that now. Not all, but a good amount. Glad you found Theia though.

  • wesleyyue 3 days ago

    Ah interesting! I'm building (ai assistant vscode extension) and someone asked about VSCodium but I didn't realize there's a open marketplace for that specifically.

aswerty 3 days ago

Is Theia related to Eclipse (the traditional Java IDE)? Or is the reference to "eclipse" just an unfortunate naming collision?

  • chikei a day ago

    It's made by Eclipse Foundation which was created to host projects around Eclipse the IDE. Kind of like project under Apache brand, Apache foundation and Apache the HTTP server.

  • TiredOfLife 3 days ago

    Theia is the Monaco editor from VS Code with a different ui

andrewpareles 3 days ago

Thanks for sharing! If Theia is built on top of monaco, I wonder if a form of one-click switch might work. The monaco editor is theoretically part of the vscode repo, while the "workbench" with settings/configs lives one layer up.