Comment by gigatexal

Comment by gigatexal 3 days ago

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Hi OP I hope you figure this out. As most folks are saying if you’re a talented Amazon engineer basically you’ll have the “pick of the litter”, companies should be fawning over you. I think you’ll be fine finding new work be it at Microsoft or Google or at a bank like JPMorgan or a startup. Of course be sure they do fully remote before applying or during the process but I think you’ll be fine. You’re a SDE3 at Amazon!

Pivoting to an unrelated thing: do you know the PM for Redshift? I don’t want to shit on the team but Redshift compared to BigQuery or Snowflake sucks.

It’s missing features both at the SQL level and the developer UX level. For example the amount of hoops one has to go through to create an external table against S3 of parquet files is far more involved and annoying than say defining one against GCS on BigQuery.

I’ve tried engaging in conversation with Amazon people on LinkedIn or otherwise to no avail.

I just want to know what the roadmap holds and if there will be more efforts to bring it to parity with its main competitors.

I figured it was a long shot to ask but considering you’re a DB focused dev I thought I’d try.