aa-jv 3 days ago

What are some of the issues?

  • cies 3 days ago

    popups are windows. selecting+copying text from the results-table does not work the first time. clicking in the left pane on a connection sometimes picks the wrong one (really weird this one as it is not consistent). i only see the standard wayland icon (not the worst).

    • aa-jv 3 days ago

      Sorry for the dumb question, but what is the significance of this issue, "popups are windows"? Has something changed in Wayland which makes child windows unworkable?

      • cies 3 days ago

        Why dumb? Just a question to me, I gladly elaborate.

        If I loose a connection I used to get a little popup in the bottom right corner when I try to execute a query, explaining why it's not executing.

        They now popup in the middle of the screen and are much larger. I remember I had to close them by hand at some point, but maybe I'm wrong because I just reproduced it and they closed themselves quickly.

        Only this little popups annoy me. The bigger child windows behave the same.

        (The 2-3 child windows that show on app startup --flash, tip-of-the-day, and another one-- are quite annoying though and according to my colleagues it's not possible to enforce a setting that stop them from showing; but these were already annoying on Xorg)

        • aa-jv 2 days ago

          Ah, I understand - this is happening as part of Apples' crusade to rid the world of popup menus. Thanks for the details - I encounter little fiddly issues like this with my own apps, so its good context.

          Just to confirm - this happens with the older version of DBeaver, running on the newer version of MacOS, right? You didn't upgrade DBeaver, meanwhile, I assume?