Comment by snvzz

Comment by snvzz 3 days ago

1 reply

Smart is such a buzzword.

What's so smart about something that draws many times as much power?

Sure we can strive to do more with less power? It's been decades since this watch was first released.

eternityforest 3 days ago

Bluetooth could have such a tiny power draw if they would just have lower update rates.

I don't see any reason things like watches and tracking tags in some couldn't have 10yr life on a coin cell, or like 30 years with an LTO you charge monthly.

Deep sleep currents can be in the nanoseconds, and we only need power for a few milliseconds every minute to transmit an "I'm here" beacon.

Step counts and heart rates are different, but even that can be optimized a lot if you don't need 100% perfect data