Comment by boomskats

Comment by boomskats 3 days ago

2 replies

Congrats on getting it this far! The fun is just beginning, but it does sound like you have an idea of what you're getting into. Here are some thoughts:

There are quite a few extensions and AI editors offering the snippet-like 'tab autocomplete', but Cursor are the only ones afaik who have nailed the full file no-look 'tab-tab-tab-tab autofix' workflow, with what I assume must be a combination of monaco/vscode hackery similar to what you're doing, and their own tuned model (i.e. not an off-the-shelf llm). Is this the piece you're going after when you say 'all of Cursor's core features', or are you primarily focused on something else?

On the topic of extensions, as an occasional user of Cursor I noticed that they've always been able to quite happily 'import' extensions you've already downloaded to a local VSCode profile, which makes sense, but they've occasionally struggled to use the same marketplace APIs for searching for extensions. I'm not sure what you're hoping for here, but I'd suggest you settle for that approach as a starting point. Also be conscious that you're dealing with Microsoft, so be mindful of things like their brand guidelines[0], and avoid telling the world that you're 'hacking away' at their APIs. These things may seem insignificant and it's true that they probably won't cause you a problem unless you're successful.

Lastly, assuming that you're hoping to recruit contributors (which I assume is some of the motivation behind this post): you really need to sanitise your Github workflow and your repo CI. Your commit history[1] currently seems to mostly consist of you updating your docs and committing straight to your main branch with no review process or checks, and the only commit I can see that does have any kind of check in place, your initial commit, has a failed monaco check that you seem to have subsequently just disabled. You'll need to tidy this up a _lot_ and establish a testing baseline if you want to successfully scale the project or attract the calibre of contributor you'll need to be successful.

Hope that helps, best of luck with the project!

[0]: [1]:

dan_man 3 days ago

That is the only reason I use Cursor. The autocomplete is way too good. For refactors, it's just magic! I tried using VSCode after using Cursor for a whole month and Copilot is just straight trash in comparison.

I'd like to continue using Cursor but I'm don't want to have to buy Claude subscription twice (Cursor uses claude under the hood), and I prefer claude sonnet over chat-gpt.

pzo 3 days ago

for me very useful feature in cursor is 'apply' where it just merges ai generated code with your code and you just only confirm or reject - for this they also use custom ai and this feature doesn't work with bring in your own key and you need subscription.