KingOfCoders 3 days ago

It depends on how you calculate the "earnings".

If I calculate my hourly rate to $200 and take the hours it took to write and market the book, I lost a lot of money.

But would I have worked instead of writing the book? My book is $30 and I get 80% selling through Leanpub. So I got quite some money, and a trickle of money every week since it peaked.

Can you earn money with a book through a publisher (if you're not already a famous name)? Not so sure. Probably better for your branding than your wallet.

So as I've said, it depends.

  • cubefox 3 days ago

    Yeah, "Amazing CTO" does sound like something people would pay money for. But fiction very likely doesn't sell, and likewise most passion projects of the "I want to write a book" type.