Comment by hiAndrewQuinn

Comment by hiAndrewQuinn 3 days ago

6 replies

>I suspect that if many writers took seriously writing a book as a real project, rather than an aspirational cultural ideal of ‘being an author’ along the lines of ‘being a foreign language speaker’ or ‘being a PhD’, they would realize that it is a serious risk which can backfire.

Ha, I feel called out. I'm in the latter camp, I was always terrible at languages as a kid and it was part of the reason I decided to move to Finland and learn Finnish as an adult. 1000+ hours in and I"m still nowhere close to my goals.

I wouldn't recommend it for most halfway sane cost-benefit analyses - my ballpark number is I've forgone some $200,000 and counting in opportunity cost. (I still feel like I'm coming out on net is because it also allowed me to marry the world's greatest woman, and to heal a bunch of deep psychological issues. Assuming you don't have those, stay far away!)

gizajob 3 days ago

“I decided to move to Finland and learn Finnish as an adult”

Amazing move but you’ve not made it very easy for yourself given the huge difficulty in mastering the most mind-bending of European languages. Doubly difficult with the very high English fluency of all the locals. Hope you’re enjoying the Fazer!

  • hiAndrewQuinn 3 days ago

    Fazer Sininen has indeed powered many a long night so far ;) greatest mass market chocolate bar I've ever had.

bregma 3 days ago

Sounds like you had a difficult beginning but a wonderful Finnish. Like many books.