Comment by antimemetics

Comment by antimemetics 3 days ago

2 replies

> Employees have a legal right to work from home

Sorry but that’s a fantasy. I live in Germany and that is 100% not the case here. You might be able to negotiate it if you are an especially valuable employee but normally no chance

moooo99 3 days ago

I agree on the Germany perspective here. Although I may add, from my experience and what I observed on media, the return to office push post Covid wasn’t nearly as extreme here in Germany as it was in the US.

I and my entire department still work mostly from home, with 2-3 days/month onsite. Pre Covid this would have been unimaginable, now there are multiple departments operating this way

Kirth 3 days ago

Yes, German work/employment culture is a crab barrel where every quality of life improvement has to be fought for tooth and nail.. The Netherlands cemented WFH as a right after the Corona period when it had shown to not negatively impact productivity while positively impacting quality of life for employees.