Comment by ta988

Comment by ta988 4 days ago

3 replies

Amazon found the best way to reduce their workforce. Make them switch from a perfectly fine work environment to a horrible one and wait for them to leave. You don't even have to make them come, threaten to do it.

Just come work in small companies that respect their employees. Good talents are hard to find.

softwaredoug 3 days ago

Unfortunately for them it means losing highly sought after senior employees with the option to leave, and keeping those without that option.

I can never actually find this study, but it's similar to a study showing companies that moved their headquarters to Connecticut instead of staying in downtown NYC actually perform worse as they lose employees that have an option to stay in NYC and not uproot their lives. The mediocre ones that cannot find another job end up moving.

squigglydonut 3 days ago

They should also remove all desks and force people to sit directly on the floor. Forget open office plan. The new trend is Minimal Office.

artyom 3 days ago

This. It's just layoffs without saying it's layoffs.

And the market answers. They've been doing it for quite some time and their stock is in an all time high.