Comment by BoorishBears

Comment by BoorishBears 3 days ago

20 replies

I'm surprised no one in targeting Jetbrains IDEs as seriously as Cursor has targeted vscode.

I'd imagine Jetbrains users are much more willing to pay, and the non-AI intelligence Webstorm has baked in save me almost as much cognitive load as Cursor does if not more compared to base vscode.

I tried Continue but it wasn't very smooth at all.

kungfufrog 3 days ago

I started paying for Sourcegraph's Cody AI because of how great the integration was in JetBrains IDEs!

Happy user for a few months now :)

esperent 3 days ago

Try out the Claude dev vscode extension. It's much better than Continue in my experience.

kkarpkkarp 3 days ago

Supermaven[1] has addons for vscode as well for jetbrains (and neovim). And it is so good that I quickly decided for their paid plan


  • hboon 3 days ago

    They have announced they are building an editor; so while I'm a subscriber, I'm not sure how long the plugins will last

    • kkarpkkarp 3 days ago

      they really did? where could I read about this.

      I prefer to stay with addon

      Edit: I see it, this is in their newest blog post

      • onel 3 days ago

        They announced it with their new round

        • hboon 3 days ago

          Yeah, my first thought is the plugins are going away sooner or later.

          I hope they use Jetbrains as a base instead of VS Code (or roll their own). I strongly prefer IdeaVim or over the one in VS Code. It's the main reason why I don't use Cursor.

langitbiru 3 days ago

There is Cody ( But their "applying code" feature is worse than Cursor. They put import lines on the bottom of the file, for example. Cursor's "applying code" is superb. Too bad it cannot be used with another IDE.

selcuka 3 days ago

JetBrains + CoPilot integration is pretty good.

kevo1ution 3 days ago

We're targeting android studio - I imagine its because Java Swing is actually extremely painful to work with and learn. Most developers interested in AI and the experience overlap with Sun Microsystem's Java Swing is not very large.

bilekas 3 days ago

Jetbrains isn't open source and this seems to be a fork of vscode, not an extension so there's a bit more control on what's being done here.

Edit : This is only my guess, I have no internal knowledge of Cursor.

  • kevo1ution 3 days ago

    Intellij community edition is open source, but not the enterprise version. However, CE is pretty feature rich with a ton of users and if you're targeting indie developers, most are on CE anyways. I'd say if you do Intellij, you have to be in for the long game to build up to enterprise, but its doable.

    • bilekas 3 days ago

      That's interesting actually, I didn't know they even had a community edition but as I am reading anyway it seem it supports only Android, Swing, and JavaFX. That's quite a limitation no?

hansoolo 3 days ago

AFAIK jetbrains has an AI Assistant now, too. But I cannot say anything about how it works.

  • selcuka 3 days ago

    It was sub-par when I last tried it, like many things JetBrains have been doing these days.

    I love their products, and I would be sad if they can't stay competitive, but it looks like they are taking all the wrong turns.

    • kevo1ution 3 days ago

      you can try Its specifically designed for android studio, but still works well for intellij. I use it every day to develop the plugin itself.

      • selcuka 3 days ago

        Thanks. I'm already using GitHub CoPilot, but will give this a try.

        Honestly speaking I'm not a big fan of chat based assistants, which was one of my complaints about IntelliJ's own assistant. Auto-complete feels more natural, although I can see that the suggestions might be more accurate and to the point with the chat based ones.

        • kevo1ution 2 days ago

          we're working on this right now. Expect to see auto-complete, and cmd+K functionality this week!

  • JustFinishedBSG 3 days ago

    It's close to useless.

    I would know, I made the mistake of paying yearly.

    • hansoolo 3 days ago

      I don't know why, but I somehow expected that...