vidarh 3 days ago

That's great for you. But the average full time author of books in the UK earned below minimum wage a few years ago, and that's fairly typical for developed countries. It's a profession that very heavily skews towards a tiny proportion of top earners.

eertami 3 days ago

And I made $15million last month as a lottery winner.

niederman 3 days ago

Surely you realize that this is not at all the typical experience for independent writers, though.

  • vidarh 3 days ago

    It's not the typical experience for traditionally published writers either.

__mharrison__ 3 days ago

That's awesome. As an author myself, I'd love to hear more.

Also note, that you are an outlier. (Congrats!) Folks listening to you should not expect those results.

  • sanswork 2 days ago

    Pretty sure it's just fantasy, it's easy to find his book from his comments. He has <5k followers and minimal engagement on any social media platform, his book does not have great reviews nor many of them on goodreads(150 reviews for a book that would have had to sell almost 25k copies in a month to get those numbers).

    Any conversation I've found in related subreddits seems negative.

jahewson 3 days ago

Don’t tell me, if I buy your book I can learn how to do it too?

komali2 3 days ago

What books did you write? And what do you mean by "analog publishing?"