egorfine 3 days ago

There are no russians there for two years. Absolutely no tours happening, it's a completely closed are and heavily guarded.

  • petertodd 3 days ago

    There are some tours still happening. But its now (supposed to be) only state/military approved delegations in some kind of official capacity:

    It's possible some people still sneak in of course. But you're risking a non-zero chance of getting accidentally shot by a Ukrainian soldier mistaking you for a Russian infiltrator, let alone the legal consequences.

    You're quite correct that Russia has been entirely pushed out. Heck, I would not be too surprised if Chernobyl tours reopen to the public after Ukraine occupies the part of Russia next to Chernobyl (maybe even Belarus if they do something stupid).

  • TiredOfLife 3 days ago

    I literally posted a video of a recent tour.

    • egorfine 3 days ago

      Any government can invite anyone anywhere they deem necessary. There are no tours for mortals.