Comment by jppope

Comment by jppope 3 days ago

2 replies

Maybe just me, but authors gravitate towards certain formats that fit them. Oscar Wilde did great with Dorian Grey but it was nothing compared to his plays. Imagining J.K. Rowling writing a blog feels wrong. I get Gwern's perspective, I'm not sure if I would read a book... but on the flip side Randall Munroe (XKCD) has a couple of great books. So who knows?

komali2 3 days ago

JK's a prolific micro-blogger. I'm not sure her tweet engagements have surpassed her book sales yet but sure feels like we'll get there at some point.

Vecr 3 days ago

I'm pretty sure she has written blog posts. Maybe you can claim they don't fit some technical definition but I have vague recollections of a quite large number of blog-like writings.