Comment by visarga

Comment by visarga 3 days ago

5 replies

If you think about it, humans necessarily use abstractions, from the edge detectors in retina to concepts like democracy. But do we really understand? All abstractions leak, and nobody knows the whole stack. For all the poorly grasped abstractions we are using, we are also just parroting. How many times are we doing things because "that is how they are done" never wondering why?

Take ML itself, people are saying it's little more than alchemy (stir the pile). Are we just parroting approaches that have worked in practice without real understanding? Is it possible to have centralized understanding, even in principle, or is all understanding distributed among us? My conclusion is that we have a patchwork of partial understanding, stitched together functionally by abstractions. When I go to the doctor, I don't study medicine first, I trust the doctor. Trust takes the place of genuine understanding.

So humans, like AI, use distributed and functional understanding, we don't have genuine understanding as meant by philosophers like Searle in the Chinese Room. No single neuron in the brain understands anything, but together they do. Similarly, no single human understands genuinely, but society together manages to function. There is no homunculus, no centralized understander anywhere. We humans are also stochastic parrots of abstractions we don't really grok to the full extent.

throwaway290 3 days ago

> My conclusion

Are you saying you understood something? Was it genuine? Do you think LLM feels the same thing?

kaechle 3 days ago

Great points. We're pattern-matching shortcut machines, without a doubt. In most contexts, not even good ones.

> When I go to the doctor, I don't study medicine first, I trust the doctor. Trust takes the place of genuine understanding.

The ultimate abstraction! Trust is highly irrational by definition. But we do it all day every day, lest we be classified as psychologically unfit for society. Which is to say, mental health is predicated on a not-insignificant amount of rationalizations and self-deceptions. Hallucinations, even.