Comment by notinmykernel

Comment by notinmykernel 4 days ago

2 replies

For many, many people, (majority of programmers, really) morals don't have a price tag. That number could be anything. When you make a programmer choose between some number and customer damage, it becomes increasingly harder to damage the end-customer. This is known as "prioritizing customer obsession" over business function (which is what we're supposed to do).

Please, everyone, if there has to be a choice, save us (civilization) not them (the CEOs). Please. Think critically.

scarface_74 4 days ago

This is definitely not true. If most programmers had morals, no one would work for Google, Meta or any of the pay to win game companies.

amw-zero 3 days ago

I thought they meant that it just wasn’t enough money. Of course there are more important factors to a job than just compensation.